Monday, May 8, 2017

    This is a special interview with a photographer, actor, director, and film fest organizer I am talking to George James Fraser.  He has acted in movies, also directed movies, but right now has his Happenstance Film Fest coming soon.  He is doing his part for the indie horror scene from all he does and has done photography also with his company Stained Glass & Blood Baths.  He is soon to be a force to be reckoned with soon.  I'm glad from the bottom of my bleeding heart he accepted my invitation for this interview.  Here goes his 10:

      S:  1:  What lead you into the realm of horror?

      George James Fraser (GJF)  1:  I was just kind of born into horror i guess. Ever since i was a little punk toddler i remember being drawn to the darker stories that the universe had to offer. It has just always been there. I spent my days sharpening stakes and hunting invisible vampires in the creek near my home. I read and did a report on Shelley's Frankenstein in the second grade.

     2:  How long have you been running The Happenstance Film Fest?

     GJF:  This is my second year organizing the fest. This year is fixing to be 10 times what we had last year. With special guests, vendors, raffles, and some special surprises.

     S:  Surely sounds great, almost like a mini-convention.

      3:  What made you feel another horror film fest was needed?

     GJF:  The way the world is set up, especially here in the states, the artists go unseen. Capitalism and consumerism are the gods here and Hollywood is the holy word. The independent artists need to carve their own paths, climb their own towers, and stamp their own mark. Because they have something to say. I feel i needed to supply an arena to help to shine some light where mainstream media ignores.

      S:  That is truly one artist speaking from the heart. Awesome.

      4:  What is your all-time favorite horror film ever?

     GJF:  This is the most difficult question. I could probably tell you which of my 3 children is my favorite before i could answer that. In no particular order.
In the Mouth of Madness
Hellraiser 1&2
The Blob 1988

     S:  That is the oddest list I have seen great movies but a few I haven't seen, but am now on the lookout.

     5:  Stained Glass and Blood Baths is an idea you came up with or was it a collaborate effort?

     GJF:  SG&BB as a production company is something I began unnamed for a while. I delved into the world of cinema not knowing where to begin. I knew what I wanted the result to be so from there it was basically just reverse engineering. The name Stained Glass and Blood Baths has been a motto of mine through most of my life. The balance of the beautiful and the grotesque. The light and the dark. The good and the evil.

     S:  Nice motto, and you done a great service to the horror community, with all the photos alone I have seen.  You definitely have the eye for what is awesome.

     6:  How long have you been acting?

     GJF:  The acting only began as a means for me to learn how things worked on a set. Mostly just studies that would lead to me running a set of my own. It only lasted a couole years and now i really only do it from time to time to help out friends with their projects.

     S:  At least you went about it the right way, learning from the inside out, at least that's the way I did it.  I do believe it is more helpful.

     7:  Do you feel you prefer directing over acting?
     GJF:  I 100% prefer working behind the camera than in front of it. Seeing my imagination being played out it real life. God complex I suppose.

     S:  I don't think so, you have a vision to see it fully through is pride I believe not a God complex.  Everyone who is doing what they love wants the best for themselves first, that may seem selfish to some but I can't agree more.

     8:  What is something most people don't know about you?

     GJF:  Most people assume that because I put myself front stage in the spotlight I must be an extrovert. In fact I am rather reserved and comfortable in solitude.
I hate mushrooms though, as a chef, it angers me to do so.
If Taylor Swift is playing, I am singing.

     S:  A chef too wow, and sorry I must laugh at the Taylor Swift thing, I understand the first one way too well.

     9:  How do pick one film over another for festival, is some sort of method to the madness?

     GJF:  I could never imagine running a festival that was open to all genres. There are just so many aspects to consider. Even with just horror the spectrum is infinite. I look for thibgs that stand out. Points for originality but also respect to a classic theme done right. If a piece makes me feel something, its a winner.

     S:  That is very judge like, honest and fair, I would appreciate that once I have a film "in the can".

     10:  Do you prefer the film or photography aspect of your company Stained Glass and Blood Baths?

     GJF:  It is hard to choose one over the other. Still photography is such a beautiful and timeless art. Capturing a story within one frame is just such a powerful thing to me. On the other hand, taking someone on a walk through my twisted imagination, making them feel something, or to provoke something within them is a special thing in itself.

     S: That is so well said.  I couldn't answer either way, I find both so intriguing.

     This looks like on helluva awesome film fest.  He as absolutely outdone himself.  This doesn't even say what films have been selected yet.  I must say George James Fraser has a loud voice to be heard in this genre.  Gots to love he does movies too, wow.  Can't wait to see what comes next from him.  All Beware, he is soon to be reckoned with.  I alone can't wait.  SUPPORT INDIE HORROR

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