S: 1: When did it occur to you that you had such talent?
Sarah McGee (SM) 1: I've messed with art since I was in middle school. But really got obsessed my junior year of high school. Always had a Stephen King novel and a sketchbook in my purse. It started as my way of blocking out the bullies.
S: That's an excellent way to detract yourself from bullying. People (kids) need to find other passages to express themselves than killing themselves or bullies, try art, writing, or reading many fine things to start with if your not athletically gifted.
S: 2: How do you decide who or what to draw (non-commission)?
SM: 2: Sometimes the themes of upcoming events help me decide. Or if there's an anniversary of a cool movie, show, etc. coming up. Other times I pick from whatever I've been jonesing to draw. My ever growing list had about 30 items or themes last time I checked.
S: What an excellent answer, I love jonesing a lot never sure but once you start getting it all done is a personal problem of mine, that's why I have many stories on paper but only one finished haha.
S: 3: Have you ever tried other forms of art, like painting, etc......?
SM: 3: Yes, but nothing else really stuck. Painting was too messy. Pastels got everywhere. This medium just suited me. And the style fit my weird brain.
S: Well personally then we all have a weird brain lol. You at least tried other mediums to find your fit which is unique.
S: 4. What is your favorite horror movie ever?
SM: 4: I know it's schticky, but Army of Darkness. All of the Evil Dead movies are pretty rad, actually. I'm a big time Bruce Campbell fan girl!
S: That's awesome I too love Bruce Campbell fan. All those movies are classics, you couldn't go wrong with any of them. Bruce is great because he never takes himself too seriously.
S: 5: What design is your favorite classic monsters, holiday themes, or music stars?
SM: 5: Horror, but comic theme is a close second actually. My drawing of Ash from Evil Dead was my first and favorite of the modern horror genre. I do like to break things up with a pet portrait now and then though!
S: Classic horror chic, great, collected comics when I was young and now enjoy watching comic movies, and some of the TV shows, and who doesn't love pets. Everybody has a animal they want or have to call family.
S: 6: Did you have any formal schooling to hone your talent?
SM: 6: I went to Kent State for a year, pressured to do graphic design. Couldn't get into it. Computer art wasn't and still really isn't my thing. Went to LCCC for a bit as well. But most of this was self taught.
S: Sure college didn't work, cause they want this or that, you have to unbridle my passion don't hold me back. Let people go do what they want, feeling comfortable is better than unsure of what your doing.
S: 7: How did you learn about dotting as an art form?
SM: 7: In high school. My favorite art teacher showed us how Christmas card design for the year and it was in that style. Loved it. And the card idea, which I also did for a while. That got me more familiar with certain supplies and methods that have evolved into what I do now. Minus the "normal" holiday cards. For the most part lol.
S: You had a great art teacher, which I had too, but I still never seen or heard of "dotting" but I was definitely intrigued by it. Who wouldn't want a non-conventional holiday card, that would be great.
S: 8: Tell us something most folks don't know about you?
SM: 8: I collect cookie cutters. This started when I ran a pet bakery as a side biz a while back. We have more critters than kids in my family, so it just made sense to me to make goodies for the fur kids.
S: Now that's a new one on me, people collect the strangest things, but cookie cutters? Although I collect some weird stuff too, nothing really that "normal" lol.
S: 9: How long does it take, on average, for one piece depending on the different sizes?
SM: 9: The average time it takes for me to complete an 8x10 is 8 hrs, from sketch to final color. I have had a few 9x12s take me well over 11 hrs before. I just started my first 18x24...that time frame should be interesting!
S: That's surprising to me, I figured it would take longer. But then again 8 hours is a solid days work and considering you get 1 picture done, that sounds right, I guess.
S: 10: Of all the pieces you've done, commission or not, which is your favorite from start to finished product?
SM: 10: The skull and cherry blossom piece is my fave. It was my first attempt at a skull. It was done about 3 yrs ago, and still gets a good response from folks. Which is why I do this. The smiles, tears, cringes....all worth it. If they don't respond to the art, what's the point?
S: That is very true art is meant to inspire some sort of feeling or reaction. Your favorite piece actually surprises me, I figured it would be a horror film shot of some sort, maybe that's the "girly" side of you coming out lol.
Hope you all enjoyed that interview, it was a pleasure of mine to do, for sure. I wish to thank Sarah for her time and patience with me, I hope it all goes well. Please send her some business, she does excellent work in a unique style. Info for her will be posted underneath. I am not biased in any way I paid for my artwork (no freebies) she has skills.
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